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Goblin Stone Devblog #6: Goblin Classes II

In our previous devblog, we tackled the first four goblin classes in Goblin Stone. Before we move on with the next goblin classes, let’s talk about how ‘changing classes’ from a simple Peon to a more specialized class is done in this short walkthrough.


Class assignment is done when the goblin initially grows up. So long as the goblin has not embarked on an adventure, players may freely change the goblin’s class at any time. Class changes are instant but require at least 50 foodstuffs which the player can acquire through adventuring. When a Goblin takes on a class his attire also changes to match the class.

Class changing is done directly in the details view UI of the goblin. Clicking the ‘change class’ button will show the list of classes the goblin is qualified for. Bear in mind that each class has a minimum requirement of at least 5 attribute points in order for a goblin to change into a specific class. If the attribute requirements are not met for the class, the goblin is not allowed to change its class. This is where the breeding feature comes into play but that is another story for another blog.

Now that we know how to turn Peons into a more powerful goblin warrior, let’s have a look at the new goblin classes that we added in our last demo update. Each one putting their own spin on a classic adventuring archetype; The Hunter, the Mystic, and the Bandit.


“A commanding scoundrel. This one knows what motivates a Goblin”

The Bandit acts as a melee support class that commands other goblins. These guys are real bossy. They are experienced, cunning, and able to take and deal a decent amount of damage by themselves. They prefer to use swords and blunt weapons. The Bandit’s true strength is in their leadership. Their abilities revolve around barking commands at the rest of the squad, giving them buffs. They can also rearrange their order so that defenders can take the blows and attackers can score clean hits.



“A master of the arcane arts and all sorts of tricks and treats.”

The Mystic, armed with a wand, is a surprisingly well-read and studious magic-user. While physically fragile (even by Goblin standards), they’re able to punch well above their weight with powerful offensive spells that can reach targets behind the enemy line. They can also use frost magic to freeze enemies in place, offering ways to delay damage and mess with enemy positions. But most surprisingly, they can perform tank duties and absorb damage in certain situations, especially versus other magic users. So long as you keep attacks from landing, Mystics can be one of your heaviest hitters.



“A carefully placed trap will always outdo wreckless heroism.”

The Hunter is a wary combatant, armed with either a spear (another new weapon class) or an axe, but unlikely to use them until a kill is all but assured. The Hunter’s abilities mostly revolve around delayed and pre-planned damage using their powerful traps, with each trap having a unique trigger condition. They are also a very strong-ranged class making use of arrows to pick off enemies or inflict debilitating status effects on their prey.


Which one is your favorite goblin class so far? We hope this post gave you a better understanding and insight into the goblin classes. Look forward to the next 4 goblin class that is in the making, we will share more about them in our future posts.

Next up: Breeding!